Here is an app I made in class. ??It is a boggle board game using recursion.??
Check the attachments area to download the source code
Here is some of the source code:
// Finds if the first letter of the word is in the Boggle Board.
// If it is found, then it will 'findRestOfWord' in hopes that the whole word will be in the boggle board.
class WordValidity {
private char[][] theBoggleArray;
private char[] theWordArray;
public boolean entireWordFound = false;
public char A_MASK = (char)126;
public WordValidity(char[][] boggleArray, char[] wordArray) {
theBoggleArray = boggleArray;
theWordArray = wordArray;
public void findWordStart () {
int startRow = -1;
int startCol = -1;
getOut: {
for (int i=0; i<theBoggleArray.length; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<theBoggleArray[0].length; j++) {
if (theBoggleArray[i][j] == theWordArray[0]) {
startRow = i;
startCol = j;
findRestOfWord(startRow, startCol, 0);
if ((entireWordFound == true) || ((i == 4) && (j == 4))) {
break getOut;
?? ?? }
public void findRestOfWord(int row, int col, int letterIndex) {
getOut2: {
// If the whole word has been found, set 'entireWordFound' to true and exit out of the method and return to the main method
if (theBoggleArray[row][col] == theWordArray[letterIndex] && letterIndex == theWordArray.length -1 ) {
entireWordFound = true;
break getOut2;
} else if ((theBoggleArray[row][col] == theWordArray[letterIndex]) && (letterIndex < theWordArray.length)) {
theBoggleArray[row][col] = A_MASK;
// Checks letters around the previous letter that was found in the word
if ((row+1) < theBoggleArray.length) findRestOfWord(row+1, col, letterIndex + 1);
if ((row-1) > -1) findRestOfWord(row-1, col, letterIndex + 1);
if ((col+1) < theBoggleArray[0].length) findRestOfWord(row, col+1, letterIndex + 1);
if ((col-1) > -1) findRestOfWord(row, col-1, letterIndex + 1);
if (((row+1) < theBoggleArray.length) && ((col+1) < theBoggleArray[0].length)) findRestOfWord(row+1, col+1, letterIndex + 1);
if (((col-1) > -1) && ((row+1) < theBoggleArray.length)) findRestOfWord(row+1, col-1, letterIndex + 1);
if (((row-1) > -1) && ((col+1) < theBoggleArray[0].length)) findRestOfWord(row-1, col+1, letterIndex + 1);
if (((row-1) > -1) && ((col-1) > -1)) findRestOfWord(row-1, col-1, letterIndex + 1);